Audible.com Sale!
 Audible.com is having a sale this week on selected titles that were produced through their ACX program. That's wherein authors work directly with narrators to produce audiobooks together, and then upload them to Audible.
I did that with the distinguished narrator Dick Hill, and he produced an epic reading of my historical novel Pride of Carthage.
I'm pleased to say that Pride of Carthage will be part of this sale! (Click here to check it out.)
is temporarily
reducing the price on these titles to $5.95 for a la carte purchasers at
Audible.com. That's a great price, considering how much audiobooks
usually cost. Audible Listener members get their usual, additional 30%
discount off the a la carte price - so for some it's even lower. This special promotion will begin Saturday, August 25, and run through Sunday, September 2.
But, you may ask, is the book any good?
Yes, of course it is! Don't trust me, though, check out what other folks had to say if you need convincing...
Publishers Weekly (Starred Review): Known for his novels of
African-American life in 19th-century America (Gabriel's Story; Walk
Through Darkness), Durham leaps continents and centuries to tell the
epic story of Hannibal and his march on Rome in this heady, richly
textured novel.
Booklist (Starred Review): Durham's epic is truly a big, magnificent, sprawling story
complete with a sizable cast of compelling characters, intricately drawn
battle scenes, and fluid, graceful prose.
Library Journal (Starred Review): Durham's latest offers a rich,
exciting, and panoramic view of the legendary Carthaginian general who
almost conquered Rome... An
epic tale well told.
The Christian Science Monitor: "Much that was lost is revived here in all its glory and gore, but
ultimately what's more stunning is Durham's imagination, his sensitivity
to the cost and exhaustion of war. It's a brilliant exploration of the
tension between private destiny and historical force, as full of the
sweep of geopolitics as the quiet intimacies of a marriage. He so
clearly creates the hopes and fears of these people removed from us by
time and culture that we can recognize our tragic, common heritage."
Labels: Audio Versions, Pride of Carthage
If You're One of Those People...
For about a year now I've been able to follow my weekly book sales via Bookscan. Usually, there are lots of ups and downs. Sales go up when a new book comes out. When there are reviews or end of year lists, etc. All the predictable stuff. Normally, I pay only passing attention. Gotta keep my sights set on the new books, right?
My interest has perked up a bit recently, though. For some reason, sales have slowly and steadily increased over the summer. I'm not aware of any particular promotions or ads or anything. No new publications. But week by week for most of the summer the Acacia books have been steadily selling.
It's kinda cool.
But I don't know where or why this is happening. My Amazon sales rank is nothing special. So... can it be that people are actually finding the books in bookstores? Is it all because of that GRRM quote? Word of mouth?
Beats me, but I'm pleased. If you're one of the people out that there's come to the series this summer, thank you. I hope you like it! Labels: Acacia
Iceland, Days Five thru Eight
Liternational Volume I, Issue 2
The new issue of Liternational is live!
They were kind enough to feature me as the guest author this time around. There's an excerpt from The Sacred Band. But you've read that, right?
So instead, go check it out for the other fiction and nonfiction. Looks like they've got some good stuff. And if you're an author yourself, I'd say Liternational is a great place to send your material! Labels: Award Stuff, Liternational
More Iceland Photos
My life right now is all about moving back into our house, painting our metal roof, sorting through my many books, taking care of the kids, reading student writing and working on my middle grade fantasy. (The latter I want to have basically done before September, at which time my full energy goes to my Spartacus novel!)
 My wife, however, continues to hang out in Iceland. Go figure. Here are two more photo diaries from her:
Day Four is HERE.
Day Five is HERE.
Beautiful place.
Well, it's back up on to the roof for me. Yes, I'll be careful. Thanks for caring. ;) Labels: Gudrun, The Shetland Trader
Wild Cards Rolls On...
Very pleased to have heard good news from George RR Martin recently. The Wild Cards Series continues to make its way in the world - both going forward and going back.
The forward part is that Tor has signed up for the twenty-third volume in the series, High Stakes. It's going to conclude the triad begun with Fort Freak (where I first began writing in the series) and continued with Lowball (which I'm also in). Lowball is in the final stages of editing, so I imagine it'll be out in 2013. And then I'll pitch a storyline for High Stakes!
The going backwards part? Well, that's that Tor has agreed to republish the original volumes four through seven: Aces Abroad, Down & Dirty, Ace in the Hole, and Dead Man's Hand. Very cool. This - added to the coming UK publications and the fact that the series is in active development for film - suggests the series may be gaining traction in a big way.
I'm hoping so. Labels: George RR Martin, Wild Cards
Reviewed and Covered
I noticed a couple of very nice Acacia mentions today.
One is a review of The War With the Mein over at Only The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy. The reviewer, Bryce, is kind enough to conclude with:
"If you're dying for something to read while we wait for George, Acacia just may be the perfect interlude. I can't believe how close I was to passing on this series, what a huge mistake that would have been. Acacia is exactly the kind of epic fantasy I love."
And that's what I love to hear!
Also, Staffer's Book Review has a little piece of my mainstream publisher, Doubleday, doing genre covers. Fortunately, the Acacia Series works for him. He doesn't have an equally high opinion of some the Dday's other visual offerings.
One interesting thing about the article is that it mentions two sff titles that Doubleday has published recently. Add last year's zombie novel Zone One, by Colson Whitehead, to that and Doubleday is putting out more sff/horror titles than they've done for quite a while.
Beta Readers
Over at Suvudu a piece recently went up on writers answering questions about using beta readers. I was one of the guys asked, and I revealed all.
If you're interested, take a look Here.
The likes of Terry Brooks, Robert V. S. Redick, Jacqueline Carey, Kevin Hearne, Carrie Vaughn, Lev Grossman, Tad Williams, Patrick Rothfuss, Daniel Abraham, Peter V Brett, Blake Charlton, RA Salvatore, Peter Orullian, Jennifer Bosworth, Mark Lawrence and Todd Lockwood also answered the questions. Labels: Other Authors, Questions for Writers
Liternational Contest
Hey, so a weird thing happened. This online magazine, Liternational, asked me if I would be a judge for their fiction contest. I looked them over, corresponded for a bit, and said yes. It's a very new mag, but they look serious and ambitious. I like that.
Weird thing is that once I was on board they asked if they could name the contest after me. That gave me pause. Like... really? You know I'm not dead, right?
I was worried that it would presumptuous of me to accept such an honor, but they talked me into it. There's another judge on the nonfiction side of things, Kristen Iverson, so I'm not alone.
Anyway, if you've got some fiction you'd like to toss into the mix please do. Deadline is soon. I think they're quite open in terms of genre, from literary to work that's in other genres. In fact, I know that they began thinking they'd be mainly literary, but then found that some of the best stuff people were submitting was sff! Go figure. ;)
Sounds like they have a lot of submissions, too, so it's the real deal. No submission fees or any crap like that. So... what's the worst that could happen?
Well, you could win, I guess, and then have my name attached to yours forever!
(Picture me cackling.)
Details are HERE.Labels: Award Stuff