Another Cover, Oh Joy!
Ah, the joy of finally receiving finished copies of one's own book! I'd experienced it four times before. (I'm talking first edition, US version.) Now, make it five. Yesterday, The Other Lands (Acacia, Book 2) showed up. (It pubs about a month from now.) I offer a glimpse here, along with a kitten just to sweeten it...

And here's a different view. The cover has all this sparkly etching and gold flake-like stuff on it that shows up from different angles and in different light. Rather nice.
What's that you say? You want me to... to give a copy away? For free? To just offer it up to whomever wants it? That's the first thing you think to ask me?!
All right, then. I will. Check back. There's a giveaway coming soon!

What's that you say? You want me to... to give a copy away? For free? To just offer it up to whomever wants it? That's the first thing you think to ask me?!
All right, then. I will. Check back. There's a giveaway coming soon!
That final cover looks amazing! Yes, giveaway, yeah that would be great. :-) Congrats on your final cover and upcoming publication date. I already pre-orded it, but I could always cancel if I were lucky enough to win a copy, ha ha! I got sidetracked for a bit, but I'm finishing up Acacia now. I love the picture with the very sweet cat too.
The cover looks amazing, and that cat looks perhaps even more amazing. My cat is essentially an older, fatter version of that kitten.
Cancel if you win? No way! If you win that Amazon book just becomes a gift. Right?
Persy probably will end up a hefty dude. Right now, though, he's the perfect kitten.
I LOOOOVVVEEE it. i want it. i want it. i want it. i want it. : )
That's my darker side. . . i still want it though. . .
Thanks Josiah,
I think that's exactly the reaction my publisher was hoping for. :)
can't decide what i love more in the picture -- the kitty or the book! i can't wait!!! i'll be sure to check back for giveaway info!
Pretty... and the book looks good, too.
I'm starting to think I've unintentionally upstaged my book with the kitty inclusion. Noted for the future.
Kittens are sooooo cuuuuute!
Oh. Yeah. Nice book, David. Ha!
Cool beans. Looking forward to it.
The cover is incredible! And I soooo want it!! Pick me! Pick me!
SOOOO excited!!! Can't wait until it come out!! Would love to WIN it!!..LOL...I've read Acacia about 5 times and I just finished listening to it on audio! (Love the audio's so interesting to hear the correct pronunciations of names and sutff. The cover looks great!
Don't know what's up with blogger and firefox but it take's damn long for my comments to get through. :-(
I love this cover, too, so much so that I'll have to get my hands on a Bk 1 & Bk 2 US cover to sit all pretty next to my Bk 1 UK cover. :-) Beautiful stuff, David. :-)
Oh, and I'm definitely up for a giveaway - there's a reason I don't gamble, need to hoard my luck and then unleash it! :-)
Yes, actually after I posted that comment I was thinking I would just have a copy to give to a family member or friend! So, yes on not canceling! I love pre-orders and getting books in the mail...
Oh, and as for the kitty comment; I think not... It's just that cat lovers are smart and know good books! I hope that helps.
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