An Impromtu Writers Cabal
I'd headed out to South Hadley to see Jedediah Berry and Paul Tremblay read at the Odyssey Bookshop. On arrival, I see Robert Redick is there too. I happen to be reading his Redwolf Conspiracy - and enjoying it very much - at the moment, so it was great to reconnect with him and say so. Also in attendance was Holly Black of Spiderwick Chronicles fame! I'd almost crossed paths with her a bunch of times, but this was the first time we properly met. Lots of chatting ensued.

Jedediah began with a reading from his Crawford Award winning The Manual of Detection. Terrific stuff, also of a detective nature but with a healthy dose of hard to categorize fantastical elements. After that he read from another story he's been cooking up. It was on a pack of cards, which he shuffled and had audience members cut, etc. He then read the segments of the story on the cards in that random order, creating a surreal, comical, strangely cohesive narrative.

And then we all went out for food and beer! Now, I've been at a table filled with accomplished - famous even - writers before, but it's also been part of some event like a con or festival or award ceremony. The cool thing about this was that it just happened one Thursday night, pretty much on home turf.
Of course, having tempted you with that, I'll offer no more details. You'll have to join us next time to find out...
Labels: Other Authors
The covers are beautiful.
*closes his eyes and groans* You don't need anymore books, you don't need anymore books, you don't need anymore books.
: (
They are all nice, aren't they? Have you tried Robert VS Redick yet? If not, you should. He's good.
I second that. It was a GREAT read - had substance, yet was fanciful and very enjoyable.
Very excited to read "(The Rats and) The Ruling Sea"!
BTW - why is it publishers don't think rats will sell in America but will in Engalnd??
I don't know. Doesn't make much sense to me. I will say this - that some important decisions aren't made collectively. They aren't even necessarily made within a publishing house. Sometimes individuals in powerful positions - like a major bookbuyer - can change things just by saying they like one title or cover better than another. I've known of many instances when a publisher changed something not because they really wanted to - but because they'd been told such and such chain wouldn't order many copies if they didn't. Sad, but true.
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