I have to start this with my customary cautions. Roll internal monologue in a menagerie of accents... Terribly long shot, old chap. Quite unlikely. Odds against it, don't you know? Are you kidding me? Fat chance! Why should you be so lucky? Hollywood will gut ya, man. Rob you blind, leave you artistically debauched, make you into a cheap one night... Etc.
I could go on, but now that I've again verified that I'm a realist let's get to the wonderfully delusion part...
I recently received a thin printed and bound document that had the words you see to the left her on its simple cover. Michael De Luca. Producer of lots o movies. (
Here's his IMDb page.)
What's behind the cover, you might ask? Well, I might flip the page and show you this...

And then I would cackle with glee. Yes, that's the first draft of the screenplay for ACACIA: THE FILM! It's pretty cool to have it in hand, to read through and discover... Oh, you know, I probably shouldn't talk about what's in the pages. Top secret stuff. You may
think you know because you read the book, but... Again, I should stop. Let me just say that I found reading it very entertaining and even surprising. This is as it should be, though.
That's about all I can say at the moment. A screenplay exists. High-power producer type folks are calling people, doing lunch and stuff. Relativity Media is overseeing the whole thing. (
Here's their IMDb page.) You never know. Maybe, one day...
Labels: Acacia, Movie News
So cool!
Fingers crossed, no eggs in any baskets, and so on.
(Still so exciting!)
That would be so cool! Here's hoping for you!
Wow to even be at that point... it's faster than it's happened for a lot of writers... congrats and good luck! Maybe we'll get it sooner rather than later. I mean, if they can remake star trek... ;)
Hi. Thanks everyone. Yes, Acacia has moved pretty swiftly, all things considered. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sometimes titles sit on the back burner for ages, and then suddenly race forward when the right clogs click into place. Other times projects seem seconds away from happening, only to fade. (I know we all know this. I'm mostly reminding myself.)
Still, though, Acacia is a player. Gabriel's Story and Walk Through Darkness are optioned too. Maybe at some point this patience/getting older thing will pay off.
Ah man David that ROCKS! Other than the (hopefully) HBO series of A Game of Thrones, this is the one movie I'm looking forward to the most! Awesome!
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. And now that I've submitted my second story for workshop I can finally read Acacia, which is next on my reading list; this makes it even more exciting! Very exciting for you & the readers, yea!
That is so freaking cool.
I want to smell that paper.
Uh, I have a paper fetish.
WHOAH! That is seriously awesome!! Here's to hoping I can see it on the big screen soon!!
Big Money, No Whammies!
And, to answer your question, as cool as a cool thing that is very cool.
Can I just say that it's nice to be able to share news with folks and have you all bounce back enthusiasm? Well, it is! Much appreciated.
I'm smiling.
Ohhhh...David! I can imagine that after the 'can't stop thinking about it' bit, you are now also past 'must stop thinking about it', maybe reached 'I'm not going to think about it' but you'll never escape that little lingering warmth 'in the corner of the mind'. Good luck with it.
Oh wow, that's amazing! Congratulations - even though I know that a screenplay is no guarantee of a film, that's still really cool. I wish the hopefully-upcoming film all the best.
Here's hoping we see Acacia: The Movie in a theater soon!
Hi SparklingBlue,
If I'm not mistaken this is the first time you've commented. Thanks - and thanks for sharing Acacia film hopes with me!
I'm curious about how compensation for this sort of thing is arranged. If you are allowed/want to talk about it.
This is an option on Acacia so far, right? And if things move along further, some other deal will be made with you for payment for using Acacia? Or is that included in the option deal? Sort of like: David gets x money for the option and then if the movie is made he automatically gets Y more money but even if it's not made he gets to keep x money?
Oh yah, and grats on getting this far. I can only imagine how excited you are about it.
I guess this means I need to catch up to everyone else and read the book. It's sitting on my shelf waiting, calling, yearning for the cover to be opened.
Hey, there's a prompt for another post. I'll make a note of your question and then I'll answer it when I can fit it in - say in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for asking.
Well, yes sir, I'd encourage catching up! Although, honestly, I don't think the movie need be a prod. If that does happen it'll still be years away... Oh, and I'm pretty happy just to hear that you have the book sitting in wait for you. Acacia is patient. Yes, yes. Faithful. She'll be there waiting for you, prepared to twist and shatter your expectations...
OMG - very exciting!
Well, I'm late to this here party but I'm just screaming. Freaking holy cow.
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