Evil Robot Monkey

"Mary Robinette Kowal's Evil Robot Monkey is very short and bitterly moving, about an uplifted chimp," says, Rich Horton in Locus. The story was published in The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction Vol. 2 (2008), and it snagged Mary a Hugo nomination just one year after walking away with the John W Campbell tiara.
Joe Sherry at Adventures in Reading liked it. Here's Joe's Review.
Want to judge for yourself? Well, that's easy. Just pop over to Mary's site and listen to her read the story especially for you. She's a great reader, and it's a very short story, just about six minutes. You've got six minutes to spare, don't ya?
Note: I snipped this image from Boing Boing. I believe Mary did the illustration herself. Multi-talented she is...
Labels: Cool Friends, Links, Other Authors
Hey there. You were over at our (Jaybo and Rachel) house for dinner the night your recent book came out. Then you vanished to Fresno without a trace. Since then, we moved to Reno. Now, being sick as a dog with pregnancy - I'm spending some time no the couch these days "surfing the internet". Jaybo read and enjoyed one of your earlier books (POC), so I decided to look you up to see what what else you had written and if you were surviving Fresno. Amazing. We had no idea you had done so well. We are really happy for you.
Rachel (Three Rivers neighbor)
Hi Rachel,
Nice of you to write. I remember that dinner well, and the sneaky flight to Fresno...
We're still here, but only for another couple of months. (Yes, we're sneaking out again.) This time we're heading back east, to our little house in the woods in Massachusetts.
Congrats on the pregnancy. Sorry about being sick, though. Say hi to Jaybo (and thank him for reading POC)!
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