Subterranean Press!
A while back I had the pleasure of corresponding with Bill at the Subterranean Press. They do lovely special editions of selected works, mostly fantasy and sci-fi. They print them in small numbers, with original covers and illustrations, and usually with an authors' signature, I believe. Great stufff for the collector in you.
Anyway, they were kind enough to send me a few sample books...
I'm particularly happy about getting Lynch's Lies of Locke Lamora. I had the rather unfortunate experience of being at the same fair in the Netherlands as Scott, but somehow managed NOT to connect with him over the course of several days. No matter, we'll meet one day. And in the meantime I now have a lovely signed copy of his debut...
Anyway, they were kind enough to send me a few sample books...
Labels: Links, Recommendations, Signed Copies
I'm so jealous! I'm a huge fan of Sub Press and all the things they stand for... but can't afford to buy their beautiful books!
If only they felt like sending me some free books! Maybe I need to write a novel...
A Dribble of Ink
Well, sure, writing a novel might help, but I'm sure spending that time at some gainful employment would likely earn you more cash... and be a less risky way of getting your hands on some of these lovely additions.
Oh that copy of Lies is calling my name, can't you hear it? It's so beautiful!
No, John, you're mistaken. I hear nothing of the sort! LIES is resting peacefully beside my bed right now. It's mine, see. Mine! (Insert drawn-out demonic cackle here...)
The Subpress limited edition of Lynch's TLOLL is gorgeous!
And Bill just told me that my ARC of RSURS should be on its way soon!;-)
Wait, do you mean a Sub-Press arc? They do arcs? If so, that's very, very cool. Talk about rare...
I could get into this rare book thing. Just need some mo money. (No worries there, though, I've got a plan...)
Hi David, glad you like the Lynch by Sub Press, I have the same one, number #500 of #500 too BUT, BUT!!! I have one of the lettered copies, only 15 made, (letter O) cost a lot mind, but the quality, man!!! Everyone who holds the traycase and smells the leather bound around the book!!! My pride and joy!!!
No, seriously, that sounds lovely. What a pleasure to hear people taking such enjoyment from good books lovingly produced.
Like they say, "a book is for life, not for reading!!!" ermmmmmmmmm oh yes, I say that no one else!!! To be honest, I dare not even open the Sub Press Lynch's
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