Homeschooled Girl Makes Good On Her First In-School Quiz
That was actually the headline here in the Durham household a few weeks back. You see, for the first time in five years our kids, Maya and Sage, are attending the local primary school. Previously, we’d been homeschooling them. We enjoyed it very much, were challenged by it, always said we’d only do it so long as it worked for us all. This fall Gudrun and I decided that we couldn’t put as much time into it as we should, so we proposed that the kids go back to school.
They agreed, and a couple months in things are going wonderfully. The adjustment has been fairly seamless, as we figured it would be. Just so you know, homeschooling doesn’t need to mean that the kids are locked in a cabin in the woods getting only their parents’ warped interpretation of the world. In fact, we’d always been very social with the way we homeschooled, with lots of outside classes, music and martial arts, nature studies and writing and gymnastics and lots of friends in a large network of other homeschooling families. The kids had always been socialized, so going to school wasn’t a shock. It’s just different.
Including the fact that it includes quizzes! Maya, our sixth grader, had her first quiz a couple weeks ago. It was a combination quiz. One part was about identifying key cities/places on a blank map of Ancient Greece. The second part, should they accept the challenge, was to also make it a spelling test, wherein they located the sites presented to them verbally, so that they had to get the spelling correct as well.
The result? Perfection. Maya got 20 out of 20, all identified and spelled correctly.
That’s not a C on the paper. It’s a check mark! How did she study for it? Oh, with a little bit of home school cut and pasting and improvisation I’m glad to say...
She's also making a name for herself as a manga artist. Apparently, she does personalized drawings for 25 cents a pop. Stuff like this:
I'm thinking she needs to up her asking price.
Including the fact that it includes quizzes! Maya, our sixth grader, had her first quiz a couple weeks ago. It was a combination quiz. One part was about identifying key cities/places on a blank map of Ancient Greece. The second part, should they accept the challenge, was to also make it a spelling test, wherein they located the sites presented to them verbally, so that they had to get the spelling correct as well.
The result? Perfection. Maya got 20 out of 20, all identified and spelled correctly.
She's also making a name for herself as a manga artist. Apparently, she does personalized drawings for 25 cents a pop. Stuff like this:

Labels: Family Stuff
Way to go on your first quiz Maya! I'll buy a picture for .25 cents or more, your drawing is fantastic.
Hi Orea!
Maya appreciates it. Perhaps the next time you're in this neck of the woods...
Smart kid you have there! Man, she outperformed me on that map quiz! As a one-time history major, I must hang my head in shame.
My son was really good with maps at that age too. But now that he's in high school, I wonder how much he's retained. But seeing as how he's doing pretty well in his World History class, it might be that all that early work paid off.
I think we'll have to do a trip to Greece in the next few years. Maybe in the guise of a research trip or something....
There's nothing like being on the ground to make all that book learning come to life!
Just picked up Acacia in the hope it might be as good as reviewers have been saying (from what I have read so far, it exceeds expectations by the way) and found my way here.
I find home schooling such an oddity and also something of a concern. I live in the UK where it is illegal and sometimes, when I read articles on home-schooling in the USA I am glad that is the case.
Now, while I accept that there are children educated at home with parents like you and that they receive a good balanced education, I seem to read a lot about children being educated with parents who have a specific agenda. An agenda related to religious fundamentalism that teaches "Creationism" over evolution and other "controversial" subjects.
A perfect example, that might be of interest to you as a historian is:
The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome. by Susan Wise Bauer.
Bauer - Doctorate of Divinity - was home-schooled and produced this book for adults and also as a tool for teaching history as part of a home-schooling program. In it she accepts Bible stories as "truth" and in the first chapter supplies "evidence" to "prove" that the "Flood" occurred.
This book has received very good reviews on Amazon. I was wondering what your thoughts on this might be? Or is it I just have a distorted view of American Home-schooling?(Assuming you even read your old blogs)
Anyway, just a thought.
Again, first book is excellent so far and really only popped over here to say thanks and now when I get here congratulations to Maya :-)
Me. Myself and I,
Hi. Very glad to hear you like the book so far. I hope that continues!
As for the homeschooling questions... I've just gone and done a full-blown post about it. Please take a look.
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