Soon To Be On Airport Shelves All Across The Country
Hey, so I've had a busy week. Yesterday I got another box in the mail, this one with the mass market paperbacks of Acacia in them! Again, I'm very happy with it. It's chunky, but Anchor still pushed for a quality feel to it. The lettering is all shiny and cool, and I like the way they slapped the John W Campbell Award Finalist Emblem on it. I'm imagining this one on airport bookshelves all over the country...
The scary thing (for me) is that this is the last page of the book...
You'll note that in the lower right hand corner there's a projected pub date. It's says "Summer 2...." Oops, I guess I blocked that part accidentally. Anyway...
This book (the first one) will definitely be on shelves at the end of August, the 26th to be exact.
This book (the first one) will definitely be on shelves at the end of August, the 26th to be exact.
You can't fool us, David! One can clearly see that the next number is a zero. So we can easily deduce the 2nd book will be published sometime in the next 92 years!
Whew! It helps knowing that. =)
Okay, you got me there.
Well, geez. Now I've read it and don't need to pick up the mass market. But I hope a lot of people pick it up for their transcontinental flights. Maybe, just by holding Acacia and The Name of the Wind, one can achieve True Balance. (Because they are so big, and one leans to the side just by holding one ... I was out in the sun today and I'm very tired.
The Alarm are a poor substitute for U2. (I'm watching VH1 Classic videos. Insomnia and exhaustion do NOT mix well.)
I remember liking the Alarm, but I can't recall what tune/album. No, there not U2, for whom I can recall many tunes/albums that have helped make the world a slightly better place...
Heh. I'm sorry about that - I don't even really remember writing that. I think I was suffering from some heat exhaustion.
The Alarm sang "I...I Love to feel the rain, in the summertiiiiiiimme." and "96 guns" (or some number I'm too lazy to look up).
But they really packaged themselves as a socially conscious band, and "resembled" U2 as much as possible without being a direct rip.
So, I finished Thirteen (or Th1rte3n) - Wow. It travels a lot of the same ground Acacia does in term of race and equality, and social mores. It did resemble Blade Runner in concept, but certainly not in execution - this was an easily-recognizable and yet totally new world. The emotional resonance of the hospital scenes will stay with me for a while.
I have and have read some of the book he got the term "Jesusland" from. And I'm reading Warren Ellis' "Crooked Little Vein" in which he uses the term "Jesusland" as well. I guess Europeans don't really see us in the best light, eh?
Anxious to snag a copy of the paperback, going to put it in my classroom library.
Can't wait for Book 2, David!
paranoyd, I've just finished Thirteen as well, and I couldn't agree more with what you wrote. It was a truly fantastic book (even tough Morgan could've cut some scenes who felt redundant) and I loved the world he created. I've read four of the Hugo nominees and I'm really surprised that Thirteen didn't make the list; I would've voted for it over every other nominee.
I bought it last month on a whim (essentially because I had to add another book to my basket to qualify for free delivery) and I'm very happy for this. I ordered The Steel Remains the day I finished Thirteen and put the Takeshi Kovac trilogy in my wishlist, while I wait for the next bimonthly order.
Hi. Yeah. Thirteen remains a favorite of mine. I'm hoping to get an early (for the US) copy of The Steel Remains also.
Anonymous, if you remember to, drop back after reading something Takeshi Kovac-ish. I know a lot of the fans of those books didn't like Thirteen. Definite mixed reaction from some of his die-hard early fans. I wonder, though, how readers coming to Morgan's work via Thirteen will receive his earlier work.
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