Salman Rushdie
But that might have just changed. I heard a rather engaging interview with him last night on NPR. He was talking about his new novel, The Enchantress of Florence. He was light and witty and smart, and generally an old pro at the interview thing. He managed in eight minutes to convince me to give him and this new book a try. I may do that.
Here's the interview.
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The Satanic Verses is great. It has one of the truly great openings in all of literature. His book Midnight's Children is on my to-be-read shelf at home, and I'm always on the look out for a nice copy of his first novel, Grimus. May have to add this new one to the list.
If you do read it let me know what you think. My to-read list is looking absurdly long at the moment...
I actually own a used book store, so my to-read list is trailing into the thousands... Of course, there are worse things to deal with than owning piles of good books. :)
Owning a used book store... Wonderful. I hope you're based in a good place for it and that you stay afloat just as long as you want to!
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