A blurb from James Patrick Kelly!

Treachery in the throne room, princes in hiding, ancestors reaching from beyond the grave, wars of succession — this is a novel that Shakespeare would have loved. David Anthony Durham is rebuilding epic fantasy from the ground up. There are books that you visit for a vacation and then there are books that you live in. Get ready to have your mail forwarded to Acacia.
Wow. I'm very happy with that, especially as it's coming from Jim, a two time Hugo winner, with something like ten Nebula nominations and tons of other awards. He's a wonderful novelist and short story writer, always thoughtful and inventive. His books include Burn (a current Nebula Finalist), Think Like a Dinosaur, Strange But Not a Stranger. There's a great interview in Locus from last fall; he was the featured interview of the edition, by the way. You can check out his website for more information on him.
Thank you, Jim.
Labels: Acacia, Cool Friends, Links, Other Authors
hey, what a supercool blurb. excited for the book.
That's a great blurb. Congrats on getting it. I'm looking forward to the book, it sounds like the sort of Fantasy I like to read.
Btw, are you going to do the meme for which I tagged you? Don't worry if you don't have the time, I can understand that.
Thanks Drew and Gabriele,
Yeah, I'm happy. I know Jim Kelly knows his stuff - and the fantasy and sci-fi worlds - so it means a lot that he thinks the book works.
Oh, I have to admit I'm not up on the etiquette of memes and being tagged. Being tagged means that I'm invited to do one of those myself? And with the same questions? I'd be happy to do that. I should check with you, though, for the details of this stuff...
Yes, being tagged means you'll have to answer the questions of the meme. But if you don't like to do memes, you can ask not to be tagged in future; no one would blame you. It's not like school homework, lol.
Great blurb. I noticed the title there for one of his books is reminiscent of that amazing sci-fi classic, Stranger in a strange land, which I devoured a few years back. Any relation?
Ah, that was Robert A. Heinlein. Quite a classic, that. No, connection that I'm aware of.
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